Social Psychology – Our social beliefs and judgements

Thoughtworthy quotes extracted from Professor David G. Myers’ book, “Social Psychology”:

1) “Often our thinking and acting are subtly primed by unnoticed events. Rob Holland and his colleagues (2005) observed that Dutch students exposed to the scent of an all-purpose cleaner were quicker to identify cleaning-related words. In follow-up experiments, other students exposed to a cleaning scent recalled more cleaning-related activities when describing their day’s activities and even kept their desk cleaner while eating a crumbly cookie. Moreover, all these events occurred without the participants’ conscious awareness of the scent and its influence.”

2) “Because social perceptions are very much in the eye of the beholder, even a simple stimulus may strike two people quite differently. Saying Britian’s Gordon Brown is “an okay prime minister” may sound like a put down to one of his ardent admirers and like praise to someone who regards him with contempt. When social information is subject to multiple interpretations, preconceptions matter. (Hilton & von Hippel, 1990)”

3) “Indeed, people’s perceptions of bias can be used to assess their attitudes (Saucier & Miller, 2003). Tell me where you see bias, and you will signal your attitudes.”

4) “Our assumptions about the world can even make contradictory evidence seem supportive. For example, Ross and Lepper assisted Charles Lord (1979) in asking two groups of students to evaluate the results of two supposedly new research studies. Half the students favored capital punishment and half opposed it. Of the studies they evaluated, one confirmed and the other disconfirmed the students’ beliefs about the deterrent effect of the death penalty. The results: both proponents and opponents of capital punishment readily accepted evidence that confirmed their belief but were sharply critcal of disconfirming evidence. Showing the two sides of an identical body of mixed evidence had not lessened their disagreement, but increased it.”

5) “When we say something good or bad about people, people spontaneously tend to associate that trait with us, report Lynda Mae, Donal Carlston, and John Skowronski (1999; Carlston & Skowronski, 2005) – a phenomenom they call spontaneous trait transference. If we go around talking about others being gossipy, people may then unconsciously associate “gossip” with us… Describe someone as sensitive, loving, and compassionate, and you may seem more so.”

6) “These experiments suggest that the more we examine our theories and explain how they might be true, the more closed we become to information that challenges our beliefs. Once we consider why an accused person might be guilty, why an offending stranger acts that way, or why a favoured stock might rise in value, our explanations may survive challenges.”

7) “Is there a remedy for belief perseverance? There is: Explain the opposite.”

8) “The evidence is compelling: Our beliefs and expectations powerfully affect how we mentally construct events. Usually, we benefit from our preconceptions, just as scientists benefit from creating theories that guide them in noticing and interpreting events. But the benefits sometimes entail a cost: We become prisoners of our own thought patterns.”

9) “In experiments involving more than 20,000 people, Elizabeth Loftus (2003, 2007) and her collaborators have explored our mind’s tendency to construct memories. In the typical experiment, people witness an event, receive misleading information about it (or not), and then take a memory test. The repeated finding is the misinformation effect. People incorporate the misinformation into their memories: They recall a yield sign as a stop sign, hammers as screwdrivers… and a clean-shave man as a fellow with a mustache…

This process affects our recall of social as well as physical events. Jack Croxton and his colleagues (1984) had students spend 15 minutes talking with someone. Those who were later informed that this person liked them recalled the person’s behaviour as relaxed, comfortable and happy. Those informed that the person disliked them recalled the person as nervous, uncomfortable and not so happy.”

Sports Matter 2014

I attended a segment of “Sports Matters” ( today.

The segment I attended was a 1 hour panel discussion revolving around the following question:

“Is globalisation of sport a good thing?”

Frankly, I don’t understand most of the details in the discussion. This is due to my (obvious) lack of knowledge and experience.

Nevertheless, I kept an open mind and stayed calm.

Most of the discussion – from the way I interpret – appear to revolve around the ability to “localise” (bring relevance to the target country in question) sport, and also the role of sponsorship.

Obviously, being the inquisitive me, I asked a question when the moderator offered the opportunity to the floor.

I asked “What do you think the globalization of sports means for Sports Hub? Do you think it will increase attendance at major sports events at it? “. My question was directed towards Andrew Georgiou, who is currently the CEO of World Sports Group (WSG). WSG is part of the Singapore Sports Hub consortium.

In essence, his reply was Singaporeans would attend events if they see relevance. It isn’t an issue of whether the events are major or not.

At the end of the day, I’m just glad I didn’t have to pay a single cent to attend this event (it is priced in the hundreds) because my University had an offer/waiver, and I managed to get a glimpse into the world of sports business.


On Myers Briggs Personality Test

Since I noticed that the questions appear to require context, I took context into consideration when answering them.

Of course, I don’t think that everything fits me, so I am selecting notable ones that I think fits.

Context: In school and *ideally* at work

Results: ENTJ (

Notable results:

1) “At the negotiating table, be it in a corporate environment or buying a car, ENTJs are dominant, relentless, and unforgiving.”

2) “Emotional expression isn’t the strong suit of any Analyst (NT) type, but because of their Extroverted (E) nature, ENTJs’ distance from their emotions is especially public, and felt directly by a much broader swath of people. Especially in a professional environment, ENTJs will simply crush the sensitivities of those they view as inefficient, incompetent or lazy.”

3) “ENTJs exemplify the difference between moment-to-moment crisis management and navigating the challenges and steps of a bigger plan, and are known for examining every angle of a problem and not just resolving momentary issues, but moving the whole project forward with their solutions.”

4) “”It’s my way or the highway” – People with the ENTJ personality type are notoriously unsupportive of any idea that distracts from their primary goals, and even more so of ideas based on emotional considerations. ENTJs won’t hesitate a second to make that fact clear to those around them.”

Context: With family, friends and at non-profit causes (eg charity, raise awareness of deaf, underprivilged, etc)

Results: INFJ (

Notable results:

1) “Few personality types are as sensitive and mysterious as INFJs. Your imagination and empathy make you someone who not only cherishes their integrity and deeply held principles but, unlike many other idealistic types, is also capable of turning those ideals into plans, and executing them.”

2) “Combining a vivid imagination with a strong sense of compassion, INFJs use their creativity to resolve not technical challenges, but human ones. People with the INFJ personality type enjoy finding the perfect solution for someone they care about, and this strength makes them excellent counselors and advisors.”

3) “Seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives, INFJs step past manipulation and sales tactics and into a more honest discussion. INFJs see how people and events are connected, and are able to use that insight to get to the heart of the matter.”

4) “When INFJs come to believe that something is important, they pursue that goal with a conviction and energy that can catch even their friends and loved ones off guard. INFJs will rock the boat if they have to, something not everyone likes to see, but their passion for their chosen cause is an inseparable part of their personality.”

5) “INFJs like to know that they are taking concrete steps towards their goals, and if routine tasks feel like they are getting in the way, or worse yet, there is no goal at all, they will feel restless and disappointed.”

6) “When it comes to romantic relationships, INFJs take the process of finding a partner seriously. Not ones for casual encounters, people with the INFJ personality type instead look for depth and meaning in their relationships.”

7) “INFJs will go out of their way to seek out people who share their desire for authenticity, and out of their way to avoid those who don’t, especially when looking for a partner.”

8) “From the start, it can be a challenge to get to know INFJs, as they are very private, even enigmatic. INFJs don’t readily share their thoughts and feelings, not unless they are comfortable, and since those thoughts and feelings are the basis for INFJ friendships, it can take time and persistence to get to know them. Meanwhile, INFJs are very insightful and have a particular knack for seeing beyond others’ facades, interpreting intent and compatibility quickly and easily, and weeding out those who don’t share the depth of their idealism.”

9) “Once a common thread is found though, people with the INFJ personality type make loyal and supportive companions, encouraging growth and life-enriching experiences with warmth, excitement and care. As trust grows, INFJs will share more of what lies beneath the surface, and if those ideas and motives are mutual, it’s the sort of friendship that will transcend time and distance, lasting a lifetime. INFJs don’t require a great deal of day-to-day attention – for them, quality trumps quantity every time, and over the years they will likely end up with just a few true friendships, built on a richness of mutual understanding that forges an indelible link between them.”


Being “idealistic” in the business world?

This was a question and answer in my “Introduction to Information and New Media” module.

Question in the slide: How are tighter finances at media companies affecting news?

What the Prof replied: Newspapers and media companies in general are not making enough money. Some of their revenues have been taken. Digital advertising – people find it more impactful to advertise on the internet, than on radio/tv channels. Cost have gone up: cost of production, land costs and labor costs.

Honestly, the way to go about this is to sensationalise: sensationalise things that are not true (that is the very worse), and even great news companies have done this. That is what the current news review in the UK is about.

The above goes to support the point that once profit making is the top priority in business, you can’t expect to be idealistic about what you do.


On Food Babe

With reference to this article:

“As Gorski notes, Hari’s strategy is to “name a bunch of chemicals and count on the chemical illiteracy of your audience to result in fear at hearing their very names.” Anti-freeze in beer? Propylene glycol has many uses, but the reason it’s used in de-icing solutions is that it lowers the freezing temperature of water. That’s it. There are no concerns about toxicity because you’d have to consume huge quantities of it very quickly to have any effect. “

Okay so I consume dihydrogen monoxide (water) daily. ->That is a chemical name.-> Chemicals can be dangerous. -> I must be dead by now then.

If most of us can recognise the absurdity in logic of this scenario, why can’t some of us apply the same critical thinking skill to better inform ourselves of purchases of health and fitness products?

Still, fuck you food babe.